I ran the furthest I've ever gone today.
Ten whole miles. I feel like a child telling you about this, but I came up with a saying on the run, passing by Daytop Rehab facility. If you didn't need it when you were four you don't need it now.
As I've grown, modernization has been like a mother to me and I can feel it changing society. We can be so weak and dependent on everything except ourselves, each other, our flesh, our beating hearts. So eager to adopt the newest interface without realizing how reliant we've become on systems we don't even understand. Why do people still get dysentery? Because we don't respect biology. We want everything, for ourselves, now, and for free.
"Don't try to sell me anything", she said "especially not an orphan, I can make that myself."
The things that have no economic cost we take, without payment or thanks. Stealing out of Mother Nature's pocketbook. Gobbling Google's goods. One postulation for evolution is that we are actually going to shrink into little green men. All of our natural survival equipment is already obsolete except our brain. It has been replaced by processes and machines. Gas and engines. At this rate a virtual world is our only hope. The only other person I saw exercising in ten miles today was a fat guy on a bike, and a dog.
I had a fifth roommate this year. His name was DJ. Everyday I'd see his face and his beady eyes and wonder if he was still alive. He couldn't have been much older than four. He had needs, all the needs of a four year old and all the needs of a dying 80 year old with lyphoma. We treated him because he had moments left. He had a childhood every day he woke up. How do you tell someone that they're going to die? It's just something they have to know. DJ is one of the reasons I'm not afraid. He's alive right here, right now, because of me.
You're going to die.
The choice to live wasn't yours to begin with. The problem is that many of us feel entitled to keep on doing it because we were born. Because it has become a habit to wake up. Addicted dependent pathetic grown adults, I hope you like it. I do feel that medical spending associated with birth and infancy complications are justified, because the life of a youth deserves a chance in its innocence and absence of experience. But at the same time I don't think it is morally sound to conceive a child at all in our current world because of what it means for another child who didn't have a choice to live either and now drinks from a ditch.
Health care has come too far scientifically and fiscally and it is depriving people of basic human needs. Needs that are common and inherent to all beings. Investments to solve overeating problems, or even cosmetics, have superseded infrastructure and energy development for too long. Just because there is a solution doesn't mean you are entitled to it. Our economy isn't a reason, it has no reason, we should never allow it to govern or justify our decisions. Understand that is how it was designed, to influence us. Live above it and give time, not money, to the things you believe in. If that is medicine, please reconsider. Medicine was a miracle, but you can't solve one problem without ignoring another. The money for medical school, that bypass surgery, that lifelong Xanex and Prozac addiction, or that chemo that might add 5 years, lets say $250,000, could provide fresh water, food, and birth control for someone for their whole life, or employ a teacher overseas.
To anyone who thinks we should provide health care for everyone, consider the opposite. Provide low cost essential and preventative care, but nothing more. As a civilization right now we don't need to save lives digging into peoples' chests and brains, replacing their slaughtered livers or removing cognitive processes. Thank you Edward Jenner, but now people have become the smallpox of the planet. We need to prevent new cases for the time being. We need to take a new perspective on life itself. Develop a culture that embraces the cyclical nature of life, foster acceptance that one's time has come, live in it and allow it to pass. How much life do you need? How many other peoples' lives is yours worth? DJ lived in moments, not minutes. Make a wish and make it happen. Your time is now, you'll be forgotten. Have you not lived? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?
We live for each other, that's why it's so sad to see others go. They lived for you, and as they die, they die for you. You now have the chance to have what they had or never got the chance to have. Their time becomes your time as long as you hold them in your mind. The present is a present from the past. So it goes.
Yes, "we have become reliant on systems we don't understand..."
ReplyDeleteInstead of depending on each other (the only thing we truly have)
Sometimes I wish I move to a mountain somewhere far awaaaaaaaay &
just write about my experience there, about what it means to live a
simple life. I'm sure that after coming back to civilization I'll miss
my spot at the mountain. Not sure if I'll miss civilization that
much....The truth is that most people don't ever want to come back
home when they go traveling & meet
new people, when they go to the beach or camping ... Why is that? I try going to the beach or a park on weekends
even if I go by myself. It's ok because I never feel alone. I feel
alive, life all around me, fresh air...I don't think abortion is right
because I believe in life & not death. To me, even death is a door
that it's opened into a new life where I'll find other trees & other
living things. I guest that's why most people don't come back from
the dead. It's like when they went camping. They liked it :) Many
times our money is spent in things we don't really need. Honestly, all
we need is each other & the natural beauty & resources all around us(wich is free).
A tree never charges a homeless rent because it's not corrupted...
Nature reminds us about the purity of what it should have been & not
longer exists... It reminds me of God who made everything, the fountain of
love :) I'm not into politics. I'm not a republican or democrat but I
think both have something to say & at the same time both are wrong.
Life can't be contained in a box. It's toooooooo immense...
It's true we should give "time & not money to the things we believe
in" The economy shouldn't control us & yes "we live for each other..."
& not for our economy or our pockets...